


1. 自ら活動して他を動かしうるはなり.

2. 常に自己の進路を求めて止まざるはなり.

3. 障碍に逢い激して勢力を百倍し得るはなり.

4. 自ら清うして他の汚れを洗い清濁併せ容るるの量あるはなり.

5. 洋々として大洋をみたし発しては蒸気となり雲となり霧と化し雨となり雪と変じ凝っては玲瓏たる鏡となりてしかもその本姓を失わざるはなり.


“ Five Natures of Water           translated by Sugihara


I am not convinced of my translation into English, but I did my best. Please enjoy it;


The writer has not been clear although one of Samurai (warrior in 1950s ) was said to be one.

1 It is water that is in action by itself, and is capable to make other move.

2 It is water that looks for it’s course and do not stop always.

3 It is water that is capable to increase hundredfold energy severely even when it meets barriers in front.

4 It is water that is clean itself, and take pure and filth together leading to wash other’s dirt.

5 It iswater that fill an ocean clean, and makes a cloud in vapor, changes to rain, snow and fog, thus becomes a splendid mirror without losing it’s real nature.


1. 淡々無味なれども真味なるはなり

2. 境に従って自在に流れ清濁合わせて心悠々たるものはなり.

3. 常に低きにつき下地にありて万物を生育するものはなり.

4. 無事には無用に処して悔いず有事には百益をつくして功に驕らざるものはなり.

5. 大川となり大海となり雲霧雪となり形は万変すれどもその性失わざるものはなり.